Programming devlog 1B (By James)

1) Our goal for the past couple of weeks was to solidify how we were going to make the mechanics we wanted work with the constraints we chose. 

2) We assigned roles to everyone depending on what everyone felt their greatest strength was so that we could accomplish this goal (Damien and I are code, Jayson on art, and Dionis on everything with an emphasis on art).  

3) We are... moving to accomplishing the goal. But mostly yes. 

4) We have been communicating with each other extensively on when to meet up and planning how we’re going to take time to do work on the project using discord and ryver. 

5) By next week we hope to have a fully functioning level in terms of mechanics. We also hope to have finalized our movement mechanics. 

6) We will continue to meet up and discuss plans for the game. We are constantly changing ideas because of our constraints. 

7) Playtesting Report 

  • We were playtesting our movement mechanic to make sure it feels satisfying to use. 
  • We wanted to learn if play testers had any suggestions or opinions on how the movement felt. 
  • Our play testers were fellow classmates. 
  • We observed how they used the movement and how long it took for them to understand it.  
  • We observed they liked to move it, move it. 
  • Our feedback was mainly about the movement being too blocky.  We’ll try to work on that in the future.

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